Introducing The Bingham Riverhouse X KaiFlow Partnership

“KaiFlow has changed my narrative and, ultimately, my world” – Sama, CEO Bingham Riverhouse

We are so excited to have partnered with the personal, social and global innovation company, KaiFlow®.

Described as a martial art for the mind; flow for the body; creativity for the soul: KaiFlow® is a methodology, practice and culture that’s been shaped and honed over 20 years. It’s anchored in the wisdom of Shaolin monks, the precision of performance science, the depths of ontology and possibilities of quantum physics.

It's powerful and transformative. And it’s very close to our CEO Sama’s heart…

“My journey with creating the Riverhouse, and the club, has often forced me into questioning my leadership. More often than not, I didn’t think of myself as a leader or a CEO at all! But then I started working with Bodhi, the founder of KaiFlow. Working with their methodology, coaching and daily practices (for three years now) has changed my narrative and, ultimately, my world."

"I discovered a new way of leading through connecting to my uniqueness and intrinsic value. I found MY way of leading is not corporate, typical or out of the box… and it’s all the more powerful because of that. This work fundamentally shaped what Riverhouse is and what it’s becoming."

"This collaboration – between Riverhouse and KaiFlow – really is the ultimate partnership and I’m so excited to be able to bring this incredible practice to you, our community.” – Sama, CEO, Bingham Riverhouse

If you’d like to apply to join our future KaiFlow experiences, please add your name to the waiting list here.

Find out more about KaiFlow on their website (do check out their testimonials – they are amazing), or ask a member of our team.